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-complete A COMMUNITY


Two people have a discussion while looking at clipboards

Participants worked in groups throughout the training to practice leadership skills and discuss methods to develop youth leadership in their communities.

NC Cooperative Extension at

NC A&T University - Statewide

At a recent Community Voices training in Greenville, NC, community leaders from across the state gathered to learn techniques for facilitating community conversation. This training, offered free-of-charge by the Cooperative Extension at NC A&T University, is designed to teach dedicated community members the skills to lead community conversations that create solutions. There are four main goals:


  • Build a community vision through shared group leadership

  • Work together as a group to communicate your vision

  • Learn how to approach community issues in a methodical, systematic way

  • Develop a plan to continue working on your vision at the local level


At the training in Greenville, participants focused on promoting youth voices. They began their training by learning about different leadership styles, and how to best lead a group of community members. Next, they learned how to create a community vision. They described the different issues facing their communities, and developed a shared plan to address those issues. Finally, they learned how to take these lessons back to their communities. They left with new knowledge about leading, developing leadership skills in others, and addressing issues through a community-based approach.

Community Voices is offered free-of-charge across the state. Here’s how you can bring the program to your area:


  • Recruit Participants: Spread the word about this program to people who are interested in making a difference in their community. Participants do not have to have any leadership experience prior to joining. In fact, this training is designed for people who have not actively been a part of public discussion or decision-making in the past.

  •  Contact NC A&T: Visit the Community Voices website and reach out to the person listed under “Contact Information.” They will work with you to arrange training dates and location.

  • Brainstorm: Come up with a few community issues you could focus on during the training.






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